Saturday just couldn't come around quick enough this week. I think everyone can relate to that feeling. You know it's been a busy week when you fall asleep during Mad Men at 9.15pm on a Friday night after one glass of wine.
Our Saturdays end up being incredibly busy though, despite the fact that we need to rest. We spent the afternoon shopping and sitting in the Leeds Museum cafe with a friend who has just come back from travelling round Asia. It was so lovely to catch up after such a long time. She looks so well and happy - the break has done her the world of good.
This post is a bit of a cheat's post - the only thing that's second hand/vintage is actually my brooch. The fact is I've religiously worn something second hand every day this week but haven't managed to get a photo of it until the evening, when, to be completely frank, the outfits weren't at their best so I haven't been able to post them. Still, at least it's something, plus, you know, it's my blog and I'll be making up the rules as I go along! I will try harder this week, honestly. This brooch is from the 1960s and it was a gift from my mum. She used to wear it herself as a teenager and in her early 20s. I love the slightly moody looking Modigliani-style girl in her slightly moody green, turquoise and brown enamel.I've had it for years now and I tend to wear it on coats and jackets. I quite like the contrast of a vintage brooch on a scruffy, utility-style jacket.
Over the past couple of weeks I've been reading reviews of Observer ethical living journalist Lucy Siegle's new book 'To Die For: Is Fashion Wearing Out the World?' http://www.amazon.co.uk/Die-Fashion-Wearing-Out-World/dp/0007264097/ref=lh_ni_t. It looks like something that anyone with an interest in fashion should buy and it seems like it will make pretty uncomfortable reading. While shopping in the city today I felt completely overwhelmed with the sheer amount of, well, STUFF, that we're being encouraged to buy. With both the ethical dilemma of the conditions people across the world work in to keep us up to date with our throwaway dresses and one-season fashions and the ecological impact, surely buying second hand and upcycling are the way forward. Wouldn't it be great to commit to only buying second hand for a period of time, say a year. I'm not sure I'm ready to do that right now but I'm going to buy the book so I'll come back to you once I've read it.
So, this brings me to today's not-really-at-all-second-hand-total-cheat's-outfit. My hair is completely in the 'growing out a short cut' zone but at least I am a blonde again, having thankfully waved goodbye to those dark days of brunette locks (bad pun totally intentional).
khaki coat: Gap
black cardigan: Gap
blouse: Topshop
skinny jeans: Topshop
gladiator sandals: New Look
green necklace: Marrakech souk
gold bag: Sydney markets (gift)
brooch: 1960s (gift from my mum - thanks, mum!)
bare-looking flower bed: Erm, yes that would be ours. Think we're letting down the street a little)